Traditional AMS classroom and learning model with enhanced preventative measures for health and safety.
No change to the traditional AMS academic program. Students report to classes Monday-Friday as per the previous year. Wednesdays will be half days, except for schools in Tucson.
Before and after-school care options will be offered like usual and will be designed to provide students a mixture of academic and physically enriching activities and homework help.
In order to limit the contact between large groups of students within AMS, we will not be able to offer club selections and sports through October 2nd.
Class size reduction may occur as some students will select the online option.
100% online distance learning.
AMS online student schedules will match the on-campus program. That means that daily attendance to online classes is required and students attend each period as they would in the on-campus program.
In order to make our online program feel as much like our normal campus program, a uniform will be required during class times. This requirement will keep the students in their regular routine and aid in mental health during this uncertain time.
All learning is a group effort between parents and teachers, but online learning is especially so. Parents will be required to designate an adult at home as a “learning coach” for their student. The at home “learning coach” will work directly with the teacher to assist in keeping the student focused on learning.