
Vote for Us!

AMS Peoria Advanced in Peoria Times

We’ve been nominated by the Peoria Times for a “Best of Peoria” award. It’s kind of a big deal for us and we’d appreciate your vote please.

From February 23rd to March 23rd, anyone can vote for us simply by going to www.PeoriaTimes.com and look for the Best of Peoria “VOTE” button.

You can vote one time per device per day!

(We are on the last page of the voting options)

Advanced K-8 Program

Tuition-Free – Early Kindergarten Available – Before and After-School Care – K-8 Mandarin and Russian Classes

Music Theory, Piano, Guitar, or Choir – Extracurricular Clubs and Sports – 1:1 Student to Computer Ratio

AMS Peoria Advanced Interest List

Submit your interest for AMS Peoria Advanced
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🏫  Tuition-Free STEM-focused curriculum designed to motivate and accelerate student learning, preparing students for success in high school, college, and ultimately a career.


👨‍🏫 Passionate teachers who are subject-matter experts dedicated to the craft of teaching.

📞 AMS Parents receive info via text, phone, automated messages, Class Dojo, student planners, meeting PAC meetings, letters to parents, Facebook, and quarterly Parent Teacher Student meetings.

🏢 State-of-the-art facilities and equipment, full sports facilities.

📚 Free tutoring and remediation for all students based on need and demand.

🎵🎨Foreign language and music education.

🏅 AMS is a member of the Canyon Athletic Association for basketball, football, volleyball, soccer, and track with other sports added according to parent and student interest.

🚸 Safe, secure environment.

⭐ 20 years of experience providing an excellent education.

Your Child’s Future Starts Here!

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