If the number of students that apply exceeds capacity for each program, class, grade level or building, students will be selected through an equitable selection process, conducted as a lottery by the School; with the exception that preference is given to siblings of students already enrolled or who are selected through the lottery process.
For the upcoming school year, we will hold an enrollment lottery for student admission after January 1st and complete the enrollment process no later than March 15th. The date will be added to the AMS Schools’ online enrollment page and posted in the school’s lobby. We will not hold the lottery if the number of applications received is fewer than the number of available seats. In this case, we will admit every student who seeks admission.
We will notify parents of the students chosen by lottery via telephone or email. Parents will be given two weeks to complete a registration packet to enroll their student. If the registration packet is not completed within the time-frame given, admission will be offered to the next student in line or selected through the lottery process.
Waitlist and Lottery
Students who entered the lottery but did not gain admission will be maintained on a waitlist. A separate lottery is performed, either manually or electronically, for each priority preference group. Within each priority category, applicants are sorted and numbered in random order. The final lottery will be held for students who have no applicable enrollment priorities. We follow all requirements when holding subsequent lotteries.
Change of student preference on a wait list
It is important to note that positions of names on a waitlist are not static because enrollment preferences change. There are many scenarios in which the enrollment preference of a student on the waitlist may change. Students with a new sibling preference—for example, once the sibling of a student on the waitlist begins attending the charter school—would move ahead of students who do not have a sibling preference.